SINGLE REVIEW: The Behaviour - An Untouchable Relic

'An Untouchable Relic' is a remarkable journey that transcends its indie/alternative roots through an infusion of progressive elements and a daring spirit of experimentation. The track conjures a dark and unsettling atmosphere that keeps listeners spellbound.

Its cinematic sound offers a transcendent experience, elevating the listener to a higher platform with its rich opulence. Ambient and enigmatic it interweaves darkness with somewhat ethereal dreamy qualities.

What makes 'An Untouchable Relic' truly enthralling is its ability to become increasingly more absorbing with each listen. As you delve deeper into its intricate soundscapes, it reveals layer upon layer of nuance and complexity that resonate on a profound level.

'An Untouchable Relic' stands as a testament to The Behaviour's talents and to the power of music to captivate and evolve, offering a riveting experience that lingers in the mind long after the final note fades away.


I'm Amy a Norfolk girl, currently residing at the seaside.

Age: eternally 21 (Iā€™m really Peter Pan!).

By day I'm a Leaks, Condensation, Damp and Mould Resident Liaison Officer and by night I'm CRB's admin bitch, reviewer extraordinaire, point and hope for the best photographer, paperclip monitor and expert at breaking anything technical then expecting Scott to fix it!

I'm into all kinds of music the more obscure the better (my music taste is definitely better than yours šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œ) with my fave band being The Wonder Years.

I'm an Ipswich Town fan and have an unhealthy obsession with hedgehogs!


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